I would like to highlight the professionality and good work of Activa Congresos. Although our conference was small, well below the capacity of the company management, Activa Congresos team efforts and proactive work has been permanently -before and during the event. I look forward to work with them in the future.
Aniceto Belmonte / Signal Theory and Communications Departament UPC BarcelonaTech
Activa Congresos organized a small dinner for 30 people in Madrid and a much larger dinner for 500 people.
Both were impeccably organized and the venues, food and entertainment were exquisite.
Most importantly, both events were totally enjoyed by all of our guests.
Thank you Activa Congresos!
Brock Chittim / President Wellington Laboratories Inc. Guelph, Ontario, Canada
The logistical support and professionalism demonstrated by ACTIVA Congresos, made the International Conference Meteoroids 2007, held in Barcelona, an internationally memorable event. We were all grateful for your great work.
Prof. Dr. Josep M. Trigo / ICE, CSIC-IEEC
Activa Congresos has participated in the International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting and Substrate Analysis (Barcelona, 2011) with great dedication, involvement and coordination with the local organization, and above all a great professionalism, which contributed to the success of the event. If we had a new project, we would repeat, no doubt.
F. Xavier Martinez, Marga López / Department of Agri-food Engineering and Biotechnology UPC BarcelonaTech
My thanks and congratulations to ACTIVA Congresos , as technical organizers of the "Tax & Audit Meeting " and " GMN International Meeting" held in Barcelona. My Company SERAUDIT Auditores entrusted them the organization of these events, having shown great professionalism and rigor in their work. His effort and commitment has been crucial for achieved success.
Joan Aldomà / SERAUDIT Auditores