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Activa Congresos's support for the organization of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2017) was key for the success of the conference. I want to underscore their high level of professionalism, their solid experience in the organization of all kinds of events, and their close cooperation and constant support to the customer. All our participants were delighted with the event, and I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to ask for their services to organize a new conference of similar volume of participation. I wholeheartedly recommend Activa Congresos to anyone willing to organize a conference in Barcelona or its surroundings. On a personal level, it was a pleasure to work with Olga and Yolanda.
Conrado Martinez / Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 28th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2017)
The organization of the congress on children’s health and environmental pollutants held at the PRBB Barcelona was a success. Everyone congratulated us for the efficient organization of the meeting to which attended people from all over the world. Every time we have relied on ACTIVA for the organization of a scientific meeting has been a great success. Everything runs smoothly simply and naturally.
Joan O. Grimalt / Director of the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC)
Participants from across the world have praised the organisation of our 8th Interntional Conference on Children’s Environmental Health (INCHES) from 14- 16 September, 2016. Thanks to your excellent support for all the logistics. We are all looking back at a very interesting and memorable time.
Peter van den Hazel, MD, PhD, MPH / Chair of the board INCHES
My thanks to ACTIVA Congresos for all the support received in the organization of the "IX Conference on Quality Control of Environmental Radioactivity" held in Sitges (Barcelona) in June 2016. I would like to highlight their professionalism and availability before, during and after the celebration of the conference. All this has made the final result has been a success as shown by the congratulations received from many attendees. Congratulations for your work.
Dr. Montserrat Tarragó Llauradó / Environmental Laboratory Radiology. Faculty of Chemistry. University of Barcelona
We met Activa Congresos in 2011, recommended by the General Services of the University. They organized the international congress OraMed. Since then, whenever we have had to organize an event, we have always worked with them. As responsible of the organization, I have basically appreciated their professionalism, willingness and ability to find the right solutions at all times as well as the final result, which has always been excellent and appreciated by participants.
Dr. Mercè Ginjaume / Institute of Energy Technologies. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
We organized the "Fòrum de Medi Ambient i Món Local" for two days with 500 attendants, and thanks to ACTIVA, among others, the event was a success. ACTIVA give us confidence and a friendly and attentive service.
Inma Pruna / Gerent de Serveis de Medi Ambient de la Diputació de Barcelona / Barcelona Provincial Council
Thanks ACTIVA Congresos for working with us during the organizative process of the SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, with more than 2700 participants, helping in the collection, venues seraches, negotiations, social events and accommodation. Your good work has been crutial for the success of our Congress.
Carlos Barata / Programme Chair Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spanish Council for Scientific Research (IDAEA, CSIC)
I would like to thank on behalf of Inibsa Dental your dedication and work for the successful development of the symposiums of this intense week. Your continuous presence, your attention to details, your permanent smiles and your impeccable professionality have helped, with no doubt, that everything went so well.
Domènec Huguet / Executive Director Inibsa Dental
From the COMB Acupuncturists Board, we have organized conferences with Activa Congresos, including ICMART (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques). Your team has always been impeccable and has facilitated the work of the committees. Highlighting the efficiency and empathy with the attendants who always are very grateful to the provided care.
Dra. Isabel Giralt / ENERGIMED Medical Director, Unitat Acupuntura Salut de la Dona Dexeus, Máster en Acupuntura Universitat Lleida
The CEPIC Congress you organized in 2013 held in Barcelona, had a memorable result. There was no mistake and the results exceeded all expectations that my organization put through your company. We received many congratulations from attendants and we are still requested about when we will organize it again in Barcelona. Thanks for your cooperation.
Alfonso Gutiérrez / CEPIC President
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